Principal's Message
Dear ߣߣƵ Community,
It has been an exciting period of discovery and wonder since my appointment as Principal here at PLC a little over 6 months ago. I have been blessed with the opportunity to experience the daily rhythms of college life through the eyes of students, parents, and staff. I have listened, discussed, observed, and reflected on the ways PLC thrives as a community, as well as the speed humps and potholes which sometimes get in the way.
As a result of these reflections, and in consultation with the College Council, the College Leadership Team, and staff, we are looking to make some adjustments to our general operation. These adjustments are designed to give alignment to our values and strategic intentions, address points of clarity for our community, and give reassurance to the direction the college is taking to support students and their families.
College Timetable
The College timetable has undergone several changes in recent years to accommodate requirements for changes to the Lutheran Enterprise Bargaining Agreement (EBA) for working hours, Non-State School Accreditation Board (NSSAB) and Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) subject time requirements, and Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) teaching expectations. Each time, we have had to make modifications to the timetable which has led to confusion and uncertainty.
However, following an extensive consultation period with staff and external providers, we have harmonized all the requirements from these three areas to produce a consistent, simple, and cohesive timetable to suit the needs of both primary and secondary students.
The benefits, including meeting the needs of the external stakeholders (EBA, NSSAB, QCAA, LEA), include:
- Consistency - same start and finish times every day for students, with Primary School starting five minutes later and finishing five minutes earlier than Secondary School.
- Simplicity – same times and structure every day for every student, with Secondary having a Home Group every morning, 45-minute lessons, and 30-minute break times every week.
- Cohesion – allows staff and students from both Primary and Secondary to interact.
The new timetable will commence operations at the beginning of 2024.

Programs to Enhance Student Learning
As a part of the College’s commitment to excellence in learning, it is investing in a range of learning experiences designed to support all students to be enriched and extended. Some of these 2024 initiatives include:
- 2-hour literacy block every morning for Prep-Year 5 students;
- The introduction of a 2-year transition program from Primary into Secondary for all Year 6 and 7 students, focusing on increased learning time for literacy and numeracy skills development, access to specialist teachers for Science and Languages, and access to Secondary facilities in Industrial Technology and the Performing Arts;
- Increased Learning Assistant time for all Year 1-5 classes to assist classroom teachers in differentiating learning experiences for students;
- All Year 8 students undertaking the Accelium program in Semester 1 which develops higher-order cognitive, social, and emotional skills using strategy games;
- Additional learning time to be provided for Careers and Health in Year 10;
- The introduction of Psychology and Literature as ATAR pathway options for Year 11 students;
- Increasing the provision for flexible learning options for Year 11 and 12 students, both on and off-campus;
- Providing English as Additional Language and Dialect (EALD) support, including classes and teachers, from Prep through to Year 10 to assist the growing number of international and indigenous students.
Capital Investment for the Future
To support the initiatives above, the College is embarking on an ambitious capital works program over the next 18 months. These include:
- The installation of a new senior primary playground space below the existing structure to increase the play space for students;
- The installation of air-conditioning in the ߣߣƵ Centre, with Stage 1 to commence in Term 4 and Stage 2 to be completed before the commencement of Term 1, 2024;
- The construction of a three-room Kindergarten located in front of the existing Primary stop-drop-go to increase student numbers at Primary. Work is set to commence in Term 4 with completion set for the end of Term 1, 2024;
- The existing OSHC will be relocated into the existing Kindergarten building following some modifications to the building to help increase the capacity to support working families during the Term 1 holidays;
- The current OSHC building will be renovated to incorporate a new space for Primary Japanese and add additional staff space for professional learning;
- The construction of two external basketball/netball courts to enhance the PE and Sports programs of the college and increase play space for primary students;
- Renovation of current Year 6/7 learning spaces to accommodate the new transition program;
- The installation of two portable classrooms, one for digital technologies and the other for the Year 8/9 Applied Learning classes to ensure enough learning spaces for students;
- The installation of new office space to accommodate the Directors of Culture, Teaching, Learning, and Educational Operations between the existing Hub and Secondary Building to improve communication accessibility; and
- The conversion of an existing classroom into a Science lab to accommodate Year 6 lessons.
The next 12-18 months promise to be an exciting time of innovation as the College continues to build on its legacy as a place of Christian faith and excellence in learning.
Shane Jurecky